We’ve clocked up some International Air Time in the last week. Remember To Buy Yourself Flowers was played in no less than 6 different Countries in the last 7 days. The UK, Ireland, Spain, Canada & The United States.
Behind the scenes, we are plugging radio stations & producers that we think would be a good fit for ‘Flowers’
This task, along with 100’s of other jobs involved in releasing and promoting new music is extremely time consuming, so to have clocked up 6 countries in a week is no small achievement.
You can Pre-Order Remember To Buy Yourself Flowers Here:
Big thanks to all the radio stations & show producers / presenters that have featured ‘Flowers’ in the last week, there’s more exciting news in the pipeline & we’ll make an announcement just as soon as we are allowed to.
Lastly, thank you to each and every one of our supporters for purchasing ‘Flowers’.
Pre orders for the Live CD & Merchandise Bundles have already exceeded our expectations. Let’s see some pics of you in your JW T shirts once they land. The first batch are due within the next 10 days or so.